Gift Guide: Kids’ Toys That Unleash Epic Creative Fun

Shelly Lee
3 min readJun 3, 2022
Gift Guide: Kids' Toys That Unleash Epic Creative Fun

Great news for all moms out there: there are some toys that will make your life easier. It’s true! As soon as I have kids of my own and they start playing with Legos or blocks in the driveway instead of outside because it’s too cold (or too hot, or too windy, depending on the season), one thing is certain: we’ll need more than just board games to keep them busy!

As a mom myself, I tend to buy toys that challenge my kids to think logically and let them be creative. I prefer Legos to plush toys and board games that they can play with over and over. Most importantly: toys that give you more value than the price and don’t take up much space, haha. Here are some of our recommended toys. Here are our favorite recommendations for creative children from toddler to pre-teen years who love logical challenges but also want something simple enough and not take up all your space at home:

1. Ravensburger GraviTrax PRO Marble Run: A STEM approach to building faster, higher, more action-packed marble runs. 2. ColorKu Mad Cave Bird Games: Like Sudoku, but with colored marbles.3. Foldology Origami Puzzle Game: Hands-On Brain Teasers for kids and adults.4. Wooden Sorting Stacking Toys Balancing Stones: Great for younger kids to learn balancing, creativity and hand dexterity.5. Rush Hour Traffic Jam Logic Game: 40 challenges to get the red car out from traffic jams. How do you get it out? 6. MindWare — Q-bitz Extreme: Challenges a player’s visual agility, memory, pattern identifications and hand-eye coordination. Recreate the displayed shape in the allotted time frame or suffer defeat. Are you fast enough?7. Build-on Brick Mug: A fun mug that lets kids add on whatever bricks they wish.8. GoCube Electronic Bluetooth Cube: Award-Winning Enabled STEM Puzzle that let kids practice logic.

- LEGO Boost Creative Toolbox: Lego x Robot x Coding x STEM Learning x Award Winning. Need we say more?
- Kids Creative Fort 130 piece: Spark creativity and imagination within your kids. What would you like to build? A fort? Igloo? Pyramid? Or a rocket? Yes, yes, and yes!
- Number Robot STEM Building Toys: Cool vehicles that can transform into numbers and combine into a big, cool robot. Whoa! Why didn’t we have this when we were little?
- LEGO DOTS Creative Designer Box: Give your kids this kit and enjoy hours of free time.
- Lewo Wooden Rainbow Geometry Building Blocks: Let kids learn that imagination has no bounds in this colorful toy that inspires happiness.
- ThinkFun Circuit Maze Electric Current Brain Game and STEM Toy: teaches your kids logic and planning, so you don’t have to.
- Super 3D Printing Pen: Turn your ordinary drawings into works of art. Or in this case, your kids ordinary drawings into something entirely cooler.
- Klutz Book of Paper Airplanes Craft Kit: Make next level paper planes with specially designed patterned papers. Comes with instruction book so you wouldn’t get lost.

- Lite-Brite Ultimate Classic Retro and Vintage Toy: Inspires creativity and helps develop fine motor skills & hand-eye coordination!
- Think Fun Laser Maze: Challenges builds reasoning and planning skills and provides a great stealth learning experience for young players.
- Kids Toy Balloon Helicopter: Endless fun and laughter is what we all need.
- STOOSVIP Fidget Toy Cube: See for yourself how fun a little toy could spark.
- LEGO Gadgets Kit: Make, experiment, play! Open ended prompts make it possible to build 11 machines including a gravity powered car and a boxing robot.
- STEM Toys Building Blocks: For future engineers, scientists and artists.
- The Big Dig and Roll Ride-On Working Excavator with Wheels, Sandbox Excavator with 360° Rotation: Play with sand, dirt and snow.
- LEGO MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor Building Set: Kids gain essential STEM skills as they build, code and play with remote-control model robots and intelligent creations that shoot missiles, play ball, drive around and more.

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