What Should Be in Your Disaster Preparation Bag
Emergencies due to natural disasters like wildfires, tornadoes and flood are sadly almost a certainty every year. Because of that, we’ve compiled a list of survival items to pack in your go-to bag that takes just a second to pick up on your way out to evacuate, or when you need to stay and hunker down inside. Last year, we were about 5 miles away from a mandatory evacuation area due to wildfire. Thankfully our firefighters worked very hard to contain the fires, and people could move back into their homes. Emergencies like this are becoming more common, and it’s smart to always plan ahead and be ready.
What to pack:
- First Aid Kit. Don’t forget your prescription medicine as well.
- Bottled water. We’d also recommend Liquid IV to boost hydration.
- Small notebook, to write important phone numbers, contacts, directive, etc.
- Power charger
- Whistles, to make it easier to make yourself heard.
- Hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes.
- Multi-purpose Swiss Army Knife
- Energy bars.
- Waterproof transparent bag, to put your essential documents and items.
- Personal hygiene essential kit. Adjust as needed.
- Contact lens and eyeglasses case. If you wear contacts, don’t forget extra pair of contacts and travel size contact lens solution as well.
- Reading glasses, if you need a pair.
- Batteries.
- KN95 Face Masks to protect against dust, fire and smoke.
- Water resistant flashlights.
We’d recommend packing these essentials in a waterproof bag, like this one.
American Red Cross has detailed advice on how to make a plan and stay informed. The website ready.gov has great information on must have items, it also educate citizens to be prepared based on the most common natural disasters in their particular areas, from earthquakes to tornadoes. The list could be found here.
We’d recommend checking this page on ready.gov to prepare important things, from family communication plan, documenting your property and insurance, knowing your alerts and warnings to safeguarding your valuables. You could download checklist pages to help you prepare for disasters. They are also available in several other languages including Spanish, Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean and Vietnamese.
If you have kids, it’s helpful to talk to them about disaster preparedness. You might be surprised if they’ve known some things about it, because most schools in disaster prone areas have conducted regular practice drills for the students. In California, where we live, the schools teach the students “ShakeOuts” in anticipation of an earthquake.
Be safe always!
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